The goal of these exercises is to explore machine learning methods to improve out-of-sample prediction of culvert improvement costs over predictions from OLS estimates of log-linear average cost models. We loosely follow the methods presented in Hands-On Machine Learning in R by Bradley Boehmke and Brandon Greenwell (available here).

In this process, we split the culvert project cost data randomly into a training and testing set. We then “train” models on the training set, including OLS estimates for comparison. We then “test” these models by computing and comparing Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the out-of-sample predictions of the test set.

We consider three related machine learning methods. First, we generate a single regression tree, a method that partitions the data into groups with similar response values (i.e. log average costs) based on discrete splits in the explanatory variables (i.e. land cover is developed or bankfull width is greater than three meters). This partitioning process continues until a stopping point is reached, based either on some penalization per additional “branch” or a set number of splits. Predictions are made by assigning the median value within each group to all members of that group. We compare RMSE across a number of limits to the number of branches, a process known as “pruning.”

We then consider a “bagging” technique known as a random forest (RF), a model-averaging procedure based on bootstrapping (“bagging” is short for “bootstrap aggregating”). This method works by repeatedly randomly selecting a subsample of the training set along with a random selectinon of the potential explanatory varaibles and fitting regression trees for each subsample-variables pair. The final prediction is the mean prediction for each component tree, hence “random forest.”

Finally, we consider the boosted regression tree (BRT) method. This method works through sequential training. A single regression tree is fit to the data, and then a second regression tree is fit to the residuals of the first tree. The predictions from these two models are added together to form an ensemble model, and the residuals from that model are then subsequently fit for an additional tree, and so on and so forth until a stopping point is reached.

We compare testing RMSE and plots of predicted and actual values for each method (including OLS) to determine the preferred method to use in cost predictions out-of-sample (e.g., on the WDFW culvert inventories).

Then, we examine the variables most important to prediction in both of the preferred ML fits. These “importance” metrics are measured as the sum of squared decreases in RMSE at each “node” a variable is associated with across the component models of each fit. This exercise reveals patterns of important predictors quite similar to the set of explanatory variables selected for the OLS fit.

Note that for all methods other than OLS, we provide as an input a nearly complete list of explanatory variables based on the full suite of potentially relevant variables considered throughout the study. This list is presented below.

Parsed with column specification:
  label = col_character(),
  description = col_character(),
  ols = col_character()
Explanatory variables included in machine learning fits, N = 1,224
Label Description Included in OLS?
basin Basin (HUC6) containing worksite X
project_source Organization reporting project to PNSHP X
ua_dist Distance to Census desginated “urban area” X
uc_dist Distance to Census designated “urban cluster”
emp_agforest Number of employees in agriculture and forestry sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data) X
emp_const Number of employees in construction sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data) X
emp_manuf Number of employees in manufacturing sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_wholesale Number of employees in wholesale sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_retail Number of employees in retail sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_transport Number of employees in transport sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_info Number of employees in information sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_finance Number of employees in finance sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_realestate Number of employees in real estate sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_profsci Number of employees in professional and science sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_admin Number of employees in administrative sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_health Number of employees in health sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_arts Number of employees in arts sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_food Number of employees in food service sector in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
emp_other Number of employees in other sectors in county (Census County Business Patterns data)
popdens_cat Population density in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
popdens_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
popdens_tot … all upstream catchements
hdens_cat Housing density in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data) X
hdens_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
hdens_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_barren_cat NLCD barren land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_barren_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_barren_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_crop_cat NLCD cropland land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_crop_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_crop_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_devhigh_cat NLCD developed, high-intensity land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_devhigh_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_devhigh_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_devlow_cat NLCD developed, low-intensity land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_devlow_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_devlow_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_devmed_cat NLCD developed, medium-intensity land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_devmed_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_devmed_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_devopen_cat NLCD developed, open space land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_devopen_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_devopen_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_forcon_cat NLCD forest, coniferous land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_forcon_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_forcon_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_fordec_cat NLCD forest, deciduous land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_fordec_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_fordec_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_formix_cat NLCD forest, mixed land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_formix_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_formix_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_grass_cat NLCD grassland land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_grass_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_grass_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_icesnow_cat NLCD ice/snow land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_icesnow_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_icesnow_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_nodat_cat NLCD no data land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_nodat_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_nodat_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_openwater_cat NLCD open water land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_openwater_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_openwater_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_pasture_cat NLCD pasture land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_pasture_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_pasture_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_shrub_cat NLCD shrubland land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_shrub_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_shrub_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_wetherb_cat NLCD wetland, herbacous land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_wetherb_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_wetherb_tot … all upstream catchements
nlcd_wetwood_cat NLCD woody wetland land cover in catchement (NHDPlus V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
nlcd_wetwood_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
nlcd_wetwood_tot … all upstream catchements
slope Channel slope (NHDPlus V2.1) X
upst_dist Upstream routed distance (NHDPlus V2.1)
ppt_cat Annual precipitation in catchement (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
ppt_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
ppt_tot … all upstream catchements
bfi_cat Base-flow index in catchement (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
bfi_acc … flow accumulated upstream catchements
bfi_tot … all upstream catchements
bankfull_width Bankfull width (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data) X
bankfull_depth Bankfull depth(NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
bankfull_xsec_area Bankfull cross-section area (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
cat_streamriver Proportion of catchement waterways classified as stream/river (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_streamriver … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_streamriver … all upstream catchements
cat_artificial Proportion of catchement waterways classified as artificial (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_artificial … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_artificial … all upstream catchements
cat_canalditch Proportion of catchement waterways classified as canal or ditch (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_canalditch … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_canalditch … all upstream catchements
cat_connector Proportion of catchement waterways classified as connector (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_connector … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_connector … all upstream catchements
cat_pipeline Proportion of catchement waterways classified as pipeline(NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_pipeline … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_pipeline … all upstream catchements
cat_basin_area Catchement area (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_basin_area … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_basin_area … all upstream catchements
cat_basin_slope Catchement slope (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data) X
acc_basin_slope … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_basin_slope … all upstream catchements
cat_elev_mean Catchement mean elevation (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data) X
acc_elev_mean … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_elev_mean … all upstream catchements
cat_elev_min Catchement minimum elevation (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_elev_min … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_elev_min … all upstream catchements
cat_elev_max Catchement maximum elevation (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_elev_max … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_elev_max … all upstream catchements
cat_stream_slope Catchement stream slope, mean (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_stream_slope … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_stream_slope … all upstream catchements
cat_stream_length Catchement main channel length (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_stream_length … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_stream_length … all upstream catchements
cat_rdx Catchemetn road desnsity (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_rdx … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_rdx … all upstream catchements
sinuosity Catchement sinuosity, or amount of channel meandering (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
cat_strm_dens Catchement stream density (NHDPLUS V2.1 Selected Attributes data)
acc_strm_dens … flow accumulated upstream catchements
tot_strm_dens … all upstream catchements
slope_deg Slope (°) of GTOPO30 grid cell that culvert restoration site falls within
here_distm Distance (m) to nearest HERE (formerly NAVTEQ) road within 5000m
here_speed Speed category of nearest HERE (formerly NAVTEQ) road, worksites over 150m from match assigned to lowest class X
here_class Functional class of nearest HERE (formerly NAVTEQ) road, worksites over 150m from match assigned to lowest class
here_paved Is nearest HERE (formerly NAVTEQ) road paved, worksites over 150m from match assigned to lowest class X
here_publi Is there public access to the nearest HERE (formerly NAVTEQ), worksites over 150m from match assigned to lowest class
hu_type Type category of 6th field hydrologic unit (“HUC6”)
brick_coun Kernel density of “Brick, Stone and Related” category based on sites counts
brick_totp Kernel density of “Brick, Stone and Related” category based on total persons/site X
const_coun Kernel density of “Construction and Mining” category based on sites counts
const_totp Kernel density of “Construction and Mining” category based on total persons/site X
merch_coun Kernel density of all 3 categories (brick…, construction…, metals…) based on sites counts
merch_totp Kernel density of all 3 categories (brick…, construction…, metals…) based on total persons/site
metal_coun Kernel density of “Metals Service Centers” category based on sites counts
metal_totp Kernel density of “Metals Service Centers” category based on total persons/site X
sales_coun Kernel density of “Sales Yard” category based on sites counts X
sand_count Kernel density of all categories based on sites counts
bia_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs within a 2500m radius of the site
blm_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Land Management within a 2500m radius of the site
bpa_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bonneville Power Administration within a 2500m radius of the site
coe_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Corps of Engineers within a 2500m radius of the site
fws_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within a 2500m radius of the site
gsa_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the General Services Administration within a 2500m radius of the site
lg_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Local Government within a 2500m radius of the site
nps_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the National Park Service within a 2500m radius of the site
pv_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by a Private Individual or Company within a 2500m radius of the site
pvi_5km_buff Proportion of Lands Managed by Private Industry within a 2500m radius of the site
pvn_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Non-Industrial Owner within a 2500m radius of the site
pvu_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Urban Lands within a 2500m radius of the site
st_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by a State Agency within a 2500m radius of the site
stf_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Forestry within a 2500m radius of the site
stl_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Division of State Lands within a 2500m radius of the site
stp_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Parks and Recreation within a 2500m radius of the site
stw_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife within a 2500m radius of the site
und_5km_buff Proportion of land where ownership is Undetermined within a 2500m radius of the site
usfs_5km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Forest Service within a 2500m radius of the site
water_5km_buff Proportion of land that is Water within a 2500m radius of the site
bia_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs within a 1000m radius of the site
blm_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Land Management within a 1000m radius of the site
bpa_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bonneville Power Administration within a 1000m radius of the site
coe_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Corps of Engineers within a 1000m radius of the site
fws_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within a 1000m radius of the site
gsa_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the General Services Administration within a 1000m radius of the site
lg_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Local Government within a 1000m radius of the site
nps_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the National Park Service within a 1000m radius of the site
pv_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by a Private Individual or Company within a 1000m radius of the site
pvi_2km_buff Proportion of Lands Managed by Private Industry within a 1000m radius of the site
pvn_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Non-Industrial Owner within a 1000m radius of the site
pvu_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Urban Lands within a 1000m radius of the site
st_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by a State Agency within a 1000m radius of the site
stf_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Forestry within a 1000m radius of the site
stl_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Division of State Lands within a 1000m radius of the site
stp_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Parks and Recreation within a 1000m radius of the site
stw_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife within a 1000m radius of the site
und_2km_buff Proportion of land where ownership is Undetermined within a 1000m radius of the site
usfs_2km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Forest Service within a 1000m radius of the site
water_2km_buff Proportion of land that is Water within a 1000m radius of the site
bia_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Indian Affairs within a 500m radius of the site
blm_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bureau of Land Management within a 500m radius of the site
bpa_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Bonneville Power Administration within a 500m radius of the site
coe_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Corps of Engineers within a 500m radius of the site
fws_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within a 500m radius of the site
gsa_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the General Services Administration within a 500m radius of the site
lg_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Local Government within a 500m radius of the site
nps_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the National Park Service within a 500m radius of the site
pv_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by a Private Individual or Company within a 500m radius of the site X
pvi_1km_buff Proportion of Lands Managed by Private Industry within a 500m radius of the site X
pvn_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Non-Industrial Owner within a 500m radius of the site X
pvu_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by Private Urban Lands within a 500m radius of the site
st_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by a State Agency within a 500m radius of the site
stf_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Forestry within a 500m radius of the site
stl_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the Division of State Lands within a 500m radius of the site
stp_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Parks and Recreation within a 500m radius of the site
stw_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife within a 500m radius of the site
und_1km_buff Proportion of land where ownership is Undetermined within a 500m radius of the site
usfs_1km_buff Proportion of land owned by the U.S. Forest Service within a 500m radius of the site
water_1km_buff Proportion of land that is Water within a 500m radius of the site
project_year Year work on project began X
n_worksites Number of worksites assoicated with project X
n_culverts Numbr of culverts assocated with worksite
action_fishpass_culvimp_prj Indicator if project involves any culvert improvement actions X
action_fishpass_culvinst_prj Indicator if project involves any culvert installation actions
action_fishpass_culvrem_prj Indicator if project involves any culvert removal actions X
action_fishpass_culvimp_count_prj Count of culvert improvement actions across project
action_fishpass_culvinst_count_prj Count of culvert installation actions across project
action_fishpass_culvrem_count_prj Count of culvert removal actions across project
action_fishpass_culvimp_wrk Indicator if worksite involves any culvert improvement actions
action_fishpass_culvinst_wrk Indicator if worksite involves any culvert installation actions
action_fishpass_culvrem_wrk Indicator if worksite involves any culvert removal actions
action_fishpass_culvimp_count_wrk Count of culvert improvement actions at worksite
action_fishpass_culvinst_count_wrk Count of culvert installation actions at worksite
action_fishpass_culvrem_count_wrk Count of culvert removal actions at worksite
dist_max Maximum distance between worksites
dist_mean Mean distance between worksites
here_class_0 HERE road class with no accuracy check
here_class_badmatch HERE road class with bad matches assigned own class
here_speed_0 HERE speed class with no accuracy check
here_speed_badmatch HERE speed class with bad matches assigned own class
here_paved_0 HERE paved indicator with no accuracy check
pvall_5km_buff Sum of all private land classes, 2500m radius buffer
stall_5km_buff Sum of all state-managed land classes, 2500m radius buffer
fedother_5km_buff Sum of smaller federally-managed land classes, 2500m radius buffer
pvall_2km_buff Sum of all private land classes, 1000m radius buffer
stall_2km_buff Sum of all state-managed land classes, 1000m radius buffer
fedother_2km_buff Sum of smaller federally-managed land classes, 1000m radius buffer
pvall_1km_buff Sum of all private land classes, 500m radius buffer
stall_1km_buff Sum of all state-managed land classes, 500m radius buffer
fedother_1km_buff Sum of smaller federally-managed land classes, 500m radius buffer
tot_dist Total distance between worksites X
nlcd_current_class NLCD land cover at worksite point for project year, aggregated categories X
nlcd_current_fullclass NLCD land cover at worksite point for project year

Machine learning methods

Regression tree

We start with a number of simple regression trees. To begin, we randomly assign half the sample to a “training” set which we will use to fit the models.

# Select training group (half the total observations, used to build the model, remaining obs are used as out-of-sample test group)
train = sample(1:nrow(df_tree), nrow(df_tree)/2)

Then, we use the rpart package to fit and plot a regression tree using the training data.

# Build a single regression tree
tree_culv <- rpart(log(cost_per_culvert) ~ ., df_tree, subset = train)
rpart.plot(tree_culv, digits = 3)

In each “leaf” the number is the median log(cost) of all worksites in the set that passes all the qualifiers above Each “branch” assigns worksites to the left if it passes the qualifier, right otherwise (YES –> left; No –> right), and the percent of the sample assigned to each node. Fixed effects like project source and basin appear important, though which other variables are selected for splits is highly dependent on the specific sample randomly chosen for the training set. That said, some variables such as distance to urban areas, distance between worksites, land cover, land ownership, and employment measures are all represented in ways similar to the OLS results.

Note that the rpart package automatically “prunes” the tree to the “optimal” number of leaves using a 10-fold cross validation, using different complexity cost parameters and comparing the relative error on the testing set and selecting the number of nodes that minimizes that error (or a meaningful improvements are not found my increasing the number of leaves). We can look at the relative error as a function of the complexity cost parameter (cp, which in effect limits the number of leaves).


It looks like using the default 21 leaf tree in fact might be over-fitting the model, so we will also look at a smaller four-leaf tree, which looks like it should provide better predictions.

tree_culv_4 <- rpart(log(cost_per_culvert) ~ ., df_tree, subset = train, control = list(cp = 0.025))
rpart.plot(tree_culv_4, digits = 3)

In this smaller tree, reporting source, land cover, and the total distance between worksites are the variables used to split the sample. Note that tot_dist has a counter intuitive effect: worksites further apart from other worksites under the same project are cheaper. Note that this is likely because tot_dist is proxying for the number of worksites here. Projects with only one worksite that do not benefit from scale economies will have tot_dist values of zero, and so this effect is captured by the distance.

One thing to think about is that project year, project source, and the number of worksites are all variables impossible to really observe for true out-of-sample culverts. These variables drive a lot of the cost variation, but the OLS model with fixed effects allows us to make predictions out-of-sample by “averaging” over these effects. We can do this for the trees too, but not sure it will be as useful if these features/variables drive most of the prediction (as is the case with the four leaf tree).

Random forest (RF)

This method uses “bagging”, or bootstrap aggregating, to boostrap sample the training set a fixed number (N) of times (1,000 here) and generate a tree using a fixed number (M) of randomly selected candidate variables. The resulting model averages predictions over all the generated trees in the “forest”.

bag_culv <- randomForest(log(cost_per_culvert) ~ ., data = df_tree, subset = train, mtry = 25, ntree = 1000, importance = TRUE)
# Looks like a good chance this is better than both the OLS and individual trees

Because these fits aggregate hundreds of trees like those seen in the preceding section, they are vastly less interpretable. We will look at the relative importance of the explanatory variables across the models later in this report.

Boosted regression tree (BRT)

This method is similar to the bagging method above in that it generates a “random forest”. Unlike the random forest above, each underlying “tree” in the “forest” is build sequentially on the residuals of the previous tree, so that each successive tree added results in improved prediction accuracy of the ensemble model (the forest). It proceeds using gradient descent method until it thinks it has found the global minimum for some loss function (here RMSE/SSE/MSE equivalently).


# Takes ~1min to fun on my machine
boost_culv <- gbm(log(cost_per_culvert) ~ ., data = df_tree[train,], distribution = "gaussian", n.trees = 5000, interaction.depth = 4, cv.folds = 5)

Again, these trees are difficult to interpret because they aggregate several component models. Therefore, we will wait to look at relative performance and variable importance until the next section.

Variable importance plots

We present plots of relative variable importance for both RF and BRT methods. Variable importance is defined as the sum of squared improvements (in mean squared error) for every node where a variable is selected. For ensemble models like RF and BRT, these improvements are averaged across all component trees.

vip(bag_culv, num_features = 25, geom = "point", aesthetics = list(size = 4, color = scales::brewer_pal("qual", 1)(6)[5])) +
    x = NULL, y = "Importance", title = "RF"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_rect(color = NULL), legend.position = "none"
vip(boost_culv, num_features = 25, geom = "point", aesthetics = list(size = 4, color = scales::brewer_pal("qual", 1)(6)[2])) +
    x = NULL, y = "Importance", title = "BRT"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_rect(color = NULL), legend.position = "none"
nrow = 1

Many of the variables included in the OLS model appear within the top 25 most important variables in one or both of the ML models. In particular, project source and basin explain a huge amount of the variation in the data, consistent with the fixed effects estimates using OLS. NLCD land cover also plays a large role in both fits. Road features (speed class, distance to road line) play important roles in both fits as well, consistent with the OLS estimates.

Private land managed by industry, measured at all distances, is very important in the RF fit. Project scale effects like number of worksites, and maximum, mean, and total distance between worksites also play important roles in the RF fit, as do measures of employment by sector and supplier density. In the BRT, hydrological features play a more important role, with bankfull_width and slope both standing out. On the whole, the variables we select for the OLS fit seem to be similar to the features that play the most important role in prediction.

Relative predictive power

# ____ Compare RMSE ----

Root mean square error (RMSE) by method

  "OLS" = rmse_ols,
  "4-leaf tree" = rmse_tree4,
  # "rmse_tree10" = rmse_tree10,
  "Full tree" = rmse_treefull,
  "RF" = rmse_bag,
  "BRT" = rmse_boost
) %>%
  pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = "method", values_to = "rmse") %>%
      x = reorder(method, rmse),
      y = rmse,
      fill = method
  ) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept = rmse_ols), data = . %>% filter(method == "rmse_ols"), linetype = "dashed") +
  geom_col(aes(fill = method), color = "black") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(rmse, 3), y = rmse + 0.025)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual") +
  # scale_color_brewer(type = "qual") +
    x = NULL, y = "RMSE", title = "RMSE by method (testing set)",
    subtitle = "RF shows lowest RMSE, followed closely by BRT, representing ~10% and 7% increase in prediction accuracy over OLS respectively"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_rect(color = NULL), legend.position = "none"

We compare RMSE calculated using the testing set (the subsample withheld during fitting) to compare out-of-sample predictive power. Compared to the OLS baseline, the basic regression trees actually perform somewhat worse, while both of the model aggregation methods (RF and BRT) perform signficantly better.

# ____ Compare fitted vs. observed plots ----

Fitted vs. actual plots

df_yhats <-
    "y" = log(df_tree$cost_per_culvert[-train]),
    "OLS" = yhat_culv_ols,
    "4-leaf tree" = yhat_culv_4,
    # "yhat_tree10" = yhat_culv_10,
    "Full tree" = yhat_culv,
    "RF" = yhat_culv_bag,
    "BRT" = yhat_boost
  ) %>%
df_yhats %>%
      x = y,
      y = value,
      fill = name
  ) + 
  geom_abline(slope = 1) +
  geom_point(shape = 21, stroke = 0.4) +
  facet_wrap(~ name) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual") +
  # scale_color_brewer(type = "qual") +
    x = "Actual cost (log-scale)", y = "Predicted cost (log-scale)", title = "Predicted vs. actual costs (testing set)",
    subtitle = "RF demonstrates an unfortunate skew"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_rect(color = NULL), legend.position = "none"
  ) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x) scales::dollar(exp(x)), breaks = c(log(3000), log(22000), log(150000))) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) scales::dollar(exp(x)), breaks = c(log(3000), log(22000), log(150000)))

Looking at the predictions against the actual costs per culvert values, we see the limits of the simple regression trees, which places each worksite into one of only a handful of bins. The aggregating methods RF and BRT perform much more similarly to OLS, providing predictions distinct for each worksite. Notice that while RF has a lower RMSE, it tends to over-estimate costs for cheaper projects and under-estimate costs for more expensive ones, which may distort the underlying variability in costs across the landscape.

Redisual distribtuions

df_yhats %>% mutate(resid = y - value) %>%
    x = resid,
    # color = name,
    fill = name
) + 
  geom_density(alpha = 0.8, color = "black") +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  facet_wrap(~ name) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual") +
  # scale_color_brewer(type = "qual") +
    x = "Residual (log-cost)", y = "Density", title = "Residual distribution (testing set)", 
    subtitle = "BRT has tighter clustering of residuals near zero but wider tails"
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
    plot.background = element_rect(color = NULL), legend.position = "none"

  # scale_x_continuous(labels = function(x) comma(exp(x), 0.1), breaks = c(-3, -1.5, 0, 1.5, 3))

Here we plot the density of residuals from all five methods. Notice that BRT has a tighter peak near zero compared to even the RF plot. This suggests that though RF provides a lower out-of-sample RMSE, BRT predictions may more consistently hit the mark. However, for BRT to display this sharp peak of near zero-residuals and still have a larger RMSE, it must mean that when it misses, it misses worse, indicated here by longer tails.


The boosted regression tree has several desirable properties as an estimator of conditional cost distributions:

  1. It provides metrics to compare variable importance and plots of conditional mean costs, allowing comparison to inference from OLS (and spatial regression)
  2. While its RMSE is a bit higher (~3%) than random forest (bagging), its predictions are much tighter (RMSE growth is driven by longer tails)

Further investigation is warranted to see if we can train specifically for improved performance in specific areas, such as Puget Sound, for the purposes of targeted planning tools.

R version 4.0.2 (2020-06-22)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19041)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 
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[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
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[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] gbm_2.1.8           randomForest_4.6-14 rpart.plot_3.0.9   
 [4] rpart_4.1-15        MASS_7.3-51.6       kableExtra_1.1.0   
 [7] knitr_1.29          pdp_0.7.0           vip_0.3.2          
[10] lmtest_0.9-37       zoo_1.8-8           sandwich_2.5-1     
[13] readxl_1.3.1        here_0.1            janitor_2.0.1      
[16] forcats_0.5.0       stringr_1.4.0       dplyr_1.0.1        
[19] purrr_0.3.4         readr_1.3.1         tidyr_1.1.1        
[22] tibble_3.0.4        ggplot2_3.3.2       tidyverse_1.3.0    
[25] searchable_0.3.3.1  workflowr_1.6.2    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
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[13] withr_2.2.0        tidyselect_1.1.0   gridExtra_2.3      compiler_4.0.2    
[17] git2r_0.27.1       cli_2.1.0          rvest_0.3.6        xml2_1.3.2        
[21] labeling_0.3       scales_1.1.1       digest_0.6.25      rmarkdown_2.3     
[25] pkgconfig_2.0.3    htmltools_0.5.0    dbplyr_1.4.4       highr_0.8         
[29] rlang_0.4.8        rstudioapi_0.11    farver_2.0.3       generics_0.0.2    
[33] jsonlite_1.7.1     magrittr_1.5       Matrix_1.2-18      Rcpp_1.0.5        
[37] munsell_0.5.0      fansi_0.4.1        lifecycle_0.2.0    stringi_1.4.6     
[41] yaml_2.2.1         snakecase_0.11.0   grid_4.0.2         blob_1.2.1        
[45] parallel_4.0.2     promises_1.1.1     crayon_1.3.4       lattice_0.20-41   
[49] haven_2.3.1        splines_4.0.2      hms_0.5.3          ps_1.3.3          
[53] pillar_1.4.6       reprex_0.3.0       glue_1.4.2         evaluate_0.14     
[57] modelr_0.1.8       vctrs_0.3.4        httpuv_1.5.4       cellranger_1.1.0  
[61] gtable_0.3.0       assertthat_0.2.1   xfun_0.16          broom_0.7.0       
[65] later_1.1.0.1      survival_3.1-12    viridisLite_0.3.0  ellipsis_0.3.1